Manipulating Time;Editing

Which of the three time manipulating editing forms is used? Shrinking, expanding or real time?

  1. There are a lot of aspects of shrinking time and real time throughout the clip. The fight between captain America and Loki has been manipulated and has used the shrinking time editing form. This is made apparent throughout the scene as the fighting is made a lot faster. The entity of the scene is like this, until Iron Man comes onto the scene. This could hold a lot of significance as his entry could hold a lot of meaning, as the heroic figure has finally come along and this enables things to slow down and things can register in a normal time scheme. This is when the screen readjusts to the real time editing form.
  1. The editing works correspondingly with the shot types. There are many examples of this in the fight scene. When Loki and Captain America are fighting, the time has been altered with the aid of the shrinking editing from. This, in turn, affects the shot types that are included in the scene. Due to the fast pace, the shots are quick paced also. For example, when Captain America is throwing his shield it is a long shot, to include the expressions of the people around them and then turns into close ups of their faces, where it hits Loki’s face. This shot enables us to see the contact that the shield makes with his face and again the expressions and reaction he has to this. It cuts again to show Captain America catching the shield. This cutting of numerous shots is effective to the time editing form. It allows the audience to feel much more involved in the scene and in turn, both the editing work and shot types link to work better.
  1. There are around 47 shots throughout the clip.
  1. This use of editing and shots enables the audience to understand more deeply the tension and magnitude of the scene unfolding before them. If a fight scene is presented in real time then the audience wouldn’t fully understand the scene as a whole, rather than in shrinking editing form where the fast pace action seems more fitting.

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